Tag Archives: Creative Ad Agency in India

design studio

Starting a Design Studio

Opening up a design studio in India is an exciting opportunity. There aren’t that many high profile design studios, and a dash of young minds is exactly what the industry needs. But the path is definitely not an easy one. There are a lot of pitfalls and negatives that come with starting a design studio in Mumbai or any other city.

The most important part of setting up a design studio is undoubtedly creativity and talent. Go into it only if you’re sure that you can come up with ideas at a moment’s notice, and have the technical skill to back it up. It’s an exciting job, and the challenges you face are different every day. If you can’t think on your feet, and come up with designs and solutions very quickly, you might want to consider a different field.

Technology and technical knowledge is very important before setting up a design studio. Design is almost exclusively carried out on computers, so having a good machine that can run all the necessary programs (Blender, Maya, GIMP, and Photoshop, etc.) is very important. Similarly, you also need the technical knowledge in using these programs. Just being a great artist will not be enough. You should be able to effectively transfer your art into a digital form.

Keep in mind that you have to brand and publicize yourself extensively to get work. A well maintained website is a huge asset that cannot be overlooked. Put up your portfolio online. This will garner interest and also show how proficient you are.

Make sure you don’t undercharge. A lot of clients will push for low costs, and if work is scarce, you might be tempted into accepting it. You’ll just end up wasting a lot of your time (time that could have been better spent publicizing yourself) into doing something more or less useless.

During down time, consider freelancing somewhere. There are a host of websites that allow you to do this, and it can be a great source of side income.

A good team is also very important in a studio. As a designer, you’ll need help from other creative to finish a project. This is one aspect that is often overlooked.

A design studio can offer great, productive and fulfilling work. But the path is by no means simple or easy. All the best!

design studio in india

advertising agency in mumbai

Is Online Advertising Replacing Traditional Advertising

With more and more companies adopting online advertising, you may ask is online advertising the future of advertising and will advertising in traditional media gradually peter away? This is a question that has been discussed and debated all around the globe. The online media definitely has gained quite a lot of precedence among businesses who want to expand their business and reach out to their target audiences more instantaneously. But the future of traditional media being bleak is questionable?

More and more companies are now opting for online media for advertising because of the reach and efficacy that it has. More and more people are now registering online for business, education, recreation etc and this has led to a huge database of online users. Most brand agencies in India are now focussing on using the online platform for brand promotion activities because of the several advantages it offers.

On the other hand, companies have not shunned the practice of advertising in traditional media such as newspapers and television channels. The advent of new age media sure has led to traditional media taking a backseat in the advertising world, but the latter is still important and figures high in advertisement plans of most brands. This is because of the fact that although a major section of the population has switched over to the digital world, there is still a large section of the world that still relies on the traditional media.

Especially in rural India, where Internet is yet to establish its influence, traditional media plays an important role. Also there are smaller cities in the country, where people aren’t as dependent on the Internet as their fellowmen are in metro cities. Keeping these customers in mind, brand agencies in India do not rule out traditional media from their advertising plans.

Advertising is very vast in its approach and there are several channels and elements through which it reaches out to its audience. It is the interplay of all these elements that make a campaign successful. So ruling out one over the other, may not necessarily result in successful brand promotion.

Advertising Agency in India

Brand Agency in Mumbai

How Social Media Advertising Can Improve Your Revenues

As you might be aware that social media is becoming increasingly popular across the globe. Social media not just connects people but allows them to build a bond digitally. Social media has successfully eliminated geographical distances and made the world a smaller place. People can share, comment and like each others pictures, videos and posts and stay connected all the time. With the advent of Smartphones and Android phones, social media has gone mobile. Now people can access these social media sites anywhere and everywhere, without having access to a desktop or laptop.

This huge penetration of social media has led ad agencies in Mumbai to create social media advertisements. The popularity of social media among the Indian masses has led to ad agencies using these platforms for brand promotion. There are several advantages of using social media for advertising. Social media allows you to get a bigger audience for your promotional campaigns as compared to the traditional media.

When you advertise in a newspaper or a television channel, there is a limitation to how much you can measure the success of your campaign. Social media allows you direct interaction with your target audience. Several companies set up fan pages for their users wherein they can directly interact with their customers, gather feedback and address grievances. It also serves as a measurable database of customers that can be approached to quantify the impact of an advertisement.

One of the major advantages of social media advertising is that it is much more affordable than advertising in traditional media. The air time costs of a television channel or the space costs in a leading newspaper can incur huge expenditure and can eat into most of your advertising budget. Social media on the other hand has greater and instantaneous reach and will cost you much lesser. So, if you are a small company that cannot frequent advertising in traditional media, social media advertising can be your game changer.


advertising agency in mumbai

Advertisements Trends Of 2015

Advertisements Trends Of 2015

As we reach the end of year 2014, we need to keep our eyes open to watch out for the latest trends in marketing. As quoted by John O’Toole “When executing advertising, it’s best to think of yourself as an uninvited guest in the living room of a prospect who has the magical power to make you disappear instantly.” In this world of competition, being careful is indeed very important or you risk losing thousands of potential customers.

Addressable Marketing:
Never heard of Addressable Marketing before? Well, consider yourselves lucky that you are going to no about it in no time because it is soon going to change the advertising scenario in our country. Addressable marketing is when the potential customers are displayed with ads that cater or might cater to their needs. All of us must have noticed Google ads. They work in the same way. About 42 million households in the USA already have addressable marketing.

Mobile and online advertising:
Statistics of online advertising are ever growing. The online advertising in India stood at an estimated of Rs 2750 crores in March 2014. It is also estimated that it will potentially grow to reach Rs 3575 crores by March 2015. On-line advertisement has grown from FY 2013 -FY2014 by 22%. By the FY201+-5, we will see a rise of about 30%. Search ads contributed 38% to this share, followed by 29% from display ads and 13% from social media. There are plenty of design studios in India that take care of digital designing as well as print advertising solutions.

Display and search ads dominate the internet in India. The amount people spend on mobile apps and games has also increased in the past few years. We have mobile web advertising, SMS advertising, MMS advertising, In-app advertising, mobile-TV advertising etc. We cannot escape from them!


Guerilla Marketing:
It is an unusual approach but it works. You must have seen the new car from Toyota parked in an elevated platform in the mall you went to yesterday. Weren’t there are a few people sitting around the car? Hey! Some people from bank were there too. Guerilla marketing is observable in places that attract huge crowds, shopping centers and malls. Even in online platforms, marketing like product give away and free samples are a part of guerilla marketing. It brings the businesses closer to their customers as they receive valuable feedbacks and customers. These types of marketing campaigns are usually the products of creative advertising agencies.

Advertisements Trend Of 2015


Communication Agencies in India

Communication Agencies Taking the Lead

India’s economy is developing at a rapid rate, thanks to our prime minister, Mr. Narendra Modi who is constantly bringing “good days”. With the new deals signed with Russia, we can expect a tremendous growth in our technology as well as defense sector. A majority of our population consists of youths who are either working for MNCs or starting up their own business. A rise in economy means rise in the earning of citizens which will result in consumption and selling of more and more goods.

Communication Agencies are an essential part of a strong society. Let it be the election of our leaders or purchase of a new microwave oven, when people are well informed, they make the right decisions. Indian advertising agencies play a major role in our economy and our lives.

Small business start ups are on the rise and it is way easy to start a small business today. We have on-line platforms where we can sell our products ranging from a television set to a spoon, without having to spend thousands or lakhs in the process of setting up a store in the city. We can even buy domains on-line with the name of our choice and design it according to our needs. We can do it all ourselves or we can ask the professionals to do it.

Communication is a blend of art and science. The main motive of any advertising agency is to build a relationship between the brand and the customers. Communication agencies provide you with a variety of options of marketing your product to the maximum of the target audience. They use modern methods, marketing tools, innovative processes for developing the most effective communication plans and brand strategies.

If we are getting something for around 20 units cheaper than what the local store is offering, and to add icing to the cake, the product is delivered at our doorstep without any delivery charges. What can be better than this? All of us will leave the conventional way of shopping and take the cheaper online way.

Now these on-line platforms, where a large number of people are connected to each other, are providing new means for those who only dreamt of starting their own small businesses a few years ago. Communication agency has turned our lives around and everything is available at the tip of our fingers. There are plenty of agencies that offer advertising options on platforms that are flooded with users from all around the world. One can take their business to an international level at the small price of internet bill and a little more efforts on communication agencies. These agencies cater to all of your on-line selling queries. Communications agencies have a lot to offer when working with clients on social media. These agencies bring to use their special knowledge of creating strategy, internal education, and organizational social media development. They offer web/digital designing, media buying, content development etc.

Being based on the communication industry, the amount you spend on advertising through a communication agency is literally a small price to pay. The communication agency is a promising field that has revolutionized the age of advertising.

Communication Agency in India

indian advertising agency

Indian advertising is going global with elan

India’s advertising industry is in the throes of dominant change in recent times and nowhere is it more visible than television and marketing campaigns themselves. Indian brands are now tapping into international markets and audiences for their products and services. The Micromax advertisement was one of the first campaigns that made use of an international ambassador in the form of global Hollywood celebrity Hugh Jackman and this helped the brand create its own presence and niche in the global market courtesy its tie-up with Jackman and its strategies like free X Men movie content provisions on its smartphones and the release of television commercials and promos for the same.

Other brands like Timex have also roped in ambassadors like fast bowler Brett Lee earlier. Reaching out to international markets is a strategy that has been employed before but only catered to limited markets and Indian consumer sentiment was always kept at the forefront. However, campaigns are now choosing to focus on global perspectives. This is witnessed through concepts like the sharing of happiness promulgated by Coca Cola to the need for every kind of friend which promoted Bharti Telecom.

All successful Indian advertisements have always tapped into unlimited reservoirs of emotion, something that has always worked with the domestic consumer. However, the global shift is visible with the advent of international brand ambassadors or creative and funky ways to get the message across. Brand strategies are changing in accordance with global tastes and consumer behaviour. The changing face of India as a global superpower has a lot to do with this shift in advertising messages and strategies.

Multiple Indian celebrities endorse famed global brands and the trend is being reversed here now. There are advertisements which have hit bulls-eye in a global context as well and this is opening up the floodgates for this new international flavour and feel in Indian advertising. Google Search had huge success with its story of two reunited friends across the Indo-Pak border and Indians lapped it up in spite of Google not being an Indian brand at all. The same strategy is being employed in reverse by Indian brands to create more audiences and newer markets for their products.

In line with this changing trend, advertising agencies are now focusing on getting the message across in innovative ways without turning to emotional triggers as was the call to action theme before!

Media Solution Agency in India

Indian advertising agency

Indian advertising and the changing consumer

Consumer behaviour has changed radically as a reactionary aspect to the entire concept of selling and consumerism at large. Advertising trends have changed and evolved quite naturally as a result. Word of mouth was the oldest followed and social media only takes the concept forward in a more efficient manner. Social media is largely representative of the changing consumer where interactive sessions are now routine for both companies and customers. Customers are increasingly being empowered with regard to their choices instead of being made to gulp down some of the choicest advertisements.

This increasing power of choice and consumer freedom augurs well for advertising agencies but also leaves them with little option but to keep reinventing themselves in the wake of certain radical changes in mindsets and consumer behaviour. The internet is fast becoming an advertising mecca, being cost effective and easily accessible. Target marketing is now coming in at the expense of large scale mass based promotional campaigns. Spending habits of customers can now be tracked and analyzed to come up with suitable campaigns along with analyzing their interests and purchase triggers.

The changing customer has come to be mapped with opinion polls, surveys, segmentation and other ratings. These marketing activities work on accuracy and precision alone and largely influence all advertising activity in any particular segment. Customer feedback is now of immense importance and is actually used by brands to come up with interactive advertising campaigns geared at merging the same with the brand message in question. The changing customer is no longer into spending extra time on advertisements whenever there is a choice or opportunity. Channel surfing or radio channel switching is a routine affair. Unwanted emails are discarded instantly while blocking telemarketers is an option many choose to take these days.

Yet, advertisements still have their own distinct flavour in the consumer mind space in spite of changing habits and the freedom of choice. Spending power has increased and the huge number of options available in every sector puts the onus on the advertising industry to favourably position particular products over their competitors in the minds of customers. Customer sensibilities are constantly evolving and agencies have to be on their toes continually with regard to meeting the same fruitfully. An example would be embedded advertisements neatly integrated into stories themselves which are considerably smaller and more attractive as compared to their lengthy and superfluous counterparts.

Advertising trends in India

Recent trends in the Indian advertising industry and their impact

Recent trends in the Indian advertising industry and their impact
21st century India has witnessed a gigantic customer revolution. The economy has scaled up to a staggering $2 trillion from a mere $422 billion back in 2001. Per capita incomes are on the rise along with the Gross Domestic Product or GDP. Some consumption segments have managed to hold on to their high billing including mobile phones, subscriptions and also cars. Indian advertising has naturally transformed itself to match the changing needs and demands of the newly emancipated population.

According to advertising experts, the landscape has shifted considerably as compared to the earlier decade and even the last few years. Service oriented sectors have grown as opposed to the slump in the manufacturing and production sector. This has impacted advertising immensely. Services now dominate both the print and television advertising categories and this is one of the biggest trends in the sector in recent times. Television has heralded its dominance over all other media platforms when it comes to advertising. According to industry statistics, television holds the lion’s share of advertising expenditure which is more than 40% while digital media is also rapidly expanding its footprints and will soon move into double digits.

Print media expenditure has gone down considerably and stands at less than the coveted 40% mark as per recent reports and statistics. Television is increasingly being used as a prime advertising platform by nationally acclaimed companies and organizations while print is the marketing weapon of choice for local and regional players. Alongside, advertising has witnessed the interdependence of media platforms where they often work complementary to each other to get the message across. This is another new development which is being tapped by agencies for their campaigns and marketing blueprints.

Soft drink companies still advertise hugely in their bid to outdo each other and this translates into fantastic advertising. Alongside, other duels have emerged between telecommunication companies and mobile phone companies as well. The Samsung and Nokia or Vodafone and Airtel battles are the stuff of modern day advertising legend. The telecom industry has taken up a huge space as far as advertising is concerned. Alongside, FMCG sectors are having a field day when it comes to occupying advertising space and consumer mind spaces. FMCG players are investing heavily in television advertising in recent times while consumer durables sectors are witnessing a quiet exit from the advertising space.

Digital media is slated to be the next big thing in advertising and may soon overtake print as reinforcement to television advertising.

Recent trends in the Indian advertising industry and their impact

Must-have attributes of a good advertising agency in India

Must-have attributes of a good advertising agency in India

Marketing is often neglected by companies and organizations that remain busy in their tryst to ramp up sales, managing sales teams and acting on business leads. In today’s competitive market, marketing and advertising occupies a lot of importance. Building your own brand identity is of paramount importance. A good advertising agency can help you accomplish this task with a little effort and oodles of creativity. However, making the right choice may be a trying task. There are some characteristics, however, which must be possessed by any advertising agency worth its salt. These are listed below:

A good agency always possesses comprehensive brand marketing solutions for customers
Advertising agencies with experience in the field know the importance of offering comprehensively tailored brand marketing and building solutions to their client base. A good agency will always want to learn about the basics of a company and what makes it tick before venturing to plan and design an advertising and promotional strategy. A good agency will always have campaign capabilities across multiple media platforms and hubs. A good agency will possess expertise in design, copywriting, online media, print media, television campaigns, email marketing, blogging and public relations among other activities. A power packed advertising agency will always have enough horsepower to go the whole hog for esteemed clients and brands.

Top class advertising agencies are always a storehouse of innovation, creativity and new ideas
You will be able to distinguish the good from the bad through a parameter like this. With a good agency, there is always a shift in perspective to radical, often shockingly innovative zones. Good agencies thrive on out of the box thinking and not simple rehashing of tried and tested concepts. This is something that is visible immediately in all presentations and discourses offered to clients. A skilled creative team must be present at any reputed agency and is the backbone of any organization in this sector.

A competent agency always has clearly defined work methodologies and processes
Building a brand is possible in recent times with the endless options in store for companies. However, a competent advertising agency will always have a research and homework oriented approach which again, is also clearly visible at the very outset. There must be a proper marketing and promotional process developed at the agency. A good agency will always have its own innovative work process that has delivered results in the past.

Must-have attributes of a good advertising agency in India



Sleek wanted a good Brand Communication strategy with a Brand Positioning and a nationwide Media Plan. The Rego team put on their thinking caps and came up with a winning strategy along with a media solution that helped Sleek emerge as the No. 1 modular kitchen brand in India.

The whole brand process started with a thorough understanding of the market and consumer. Rego Advertising, a creative ad agency in Mumbai with the help of client inputs and Rego’s in-house brand research team, began its study. Along with internet and market resources, the Rego, brand agency in Mumbai also conducted brand-consumer interfaces by taking potential consumers to the Sleek showroom, and studying their responses towards the brand.

The modular kitchen market was growing at a snail’s pace as people had a more ‘dependable’ option in the carpenter. Even after visiting the showroom and discussion with the Sleek design team, the price-conscious consumer would, in the end, choose the carpenter as it gave her an assurance of quality and cost her much less than a branded kitchen.

Though slowly, the trend was changing. Economy was looking good. With increased spending power, the middle class and higher middle class began to aspire for better lifestyles. The globe-trotting Indian consumer was now aware of designer kitchens and wanted one for his home. The time was right for Sleek to strike big time. A good scenario was the non-existence of a clear leader in the modular kitchen industry. The place at the top was empty.

Key Consumer Insights

  • Consumers want information and understanding of modular kitchens.
  • They want a brand that they can depend on for quality and durability.
  • They want a brand that has those classy European style kitchens, without costing as much.

Rego, Advertising Agency in Mumbai believes a clear Brand Positioning always helps a brand to establish and distinguish itself from its competitor, and occupy a place in the consumer’s mind.

The Rego Creative Team derived a Brand Positioning that cut through all the challenges the brand was facing when it came to consumer confidence. It was the Big Idea that was soon going to change the fortunes of Sleek, cut through their competition, and put them in a leadership position in the market.

To push the positioning of ‘The Kitchen Specialist’, we roped in India’s cooking specialist, the master chef Sanjeev Kapoor. The idea that ‘A Specialist like Sanjeev Kapoor endorses the Kitchen Specialist – Sleek’ was a proposition that appealed to the client.

Sanjeev Kapoor became Sleek’s Brand Ambassador, and he drove home the point of Sleek being a ‘Kitchen Specialist’

The next brand campaign with Sanjeev Kapoor in a Sleek Kitchen, talking in a most matter-of-fact way about what makes Sleek a Kitchen Specialist, was an extremely believable campaign that won the trust of the consumer, and the praise from even the competition.

The popularity and recognition of Sanjeev Kapoor gave the brand an immense boost. People turned and looked at the ad, and nodded in acknowledgement.